Wednesday, April 6, 2011

VCU: The Not So Fairytale Ending

You would think I would be conflicted going into the tournament with Florida State (my school) and VCU (the school in my hometown state/underdog team) being in the mix however I was die hard rooting for FSU. My own grandfather, who has no blood ties to VCU, sent out a mass email about how he was soooo excited that two Richmond teams made it to the "Sweet Sixteen" and how he wanted VCU to beat FSU. Note that he sent this email to EVERYONE including me and my dad (who went to FSU). When I opened the email I was immediately taken a back, I felt betrayed. It's like why would you send this to me knowing which team I want to win.

Well, if you watched the 2011 NCAA Tournament then you know how this story ended. VCU beat FSU and ended up going all the way to the "Final Four". Watching that "Sweet Sixteen" game I couldn't bare to look at the television screen but I couldn't look away either. I know a lot of people who go to VCU so the whole week they had been posting on my Facebook wall about how they were going to win and such. So as soon as the Seminoles screwed up their last possession I started getting phone calls.

So after that night my hatred of VCU started growing deep and fast. Each game they played I wanted them to lose sooo badly, and of course they end up at the Final Four. SMH. It all worked out in the end though they did not go ALL the way. As soon as they lost I sent a text to my friend that goes who to VCU saying "how you like them apples". Of course she replies with "we made it further than you did". Personally IDC that you made it further as long as you didn't win.

I was shocked to hear that a riot broke out after VCUs "Final Four" loss. The police used tear gas and everything! Part of me deep down is happy about this riot because to me it shows that they are a bunch of sore losers who assumed that they could be stopped by no one. Karmas a B*tch!

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