Sunday, April 10, 2011

History Repeats Itself

Today Derrick Rose and the Chicago Bulls took on the Orlando Magic minus Dwight Howard, who was suspended due to being over the limit of technical fouls. I didn't watch the entire game but I saw the last quarter. Both teams went back and forth. The difference in score was one or two points almost the entire quarter. The ending of this game however is the point in the game that brings back the most memories. The game ended with Jameer Nelson putting up a 3 point shot and making it. As soon as it went in the entire arena screamed and celebrated because making that shot meant that they tied and the game would go to overtime giving the Orlando Magic a chance to win. Sadly however Jameer Nelson didn't release the shot in time and it didn't count. This ending brings up memories of  The 2011 ACC Tournament in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Don't get me wrong being at the tournament was very exciting however the fans made it a living hell. Here's what I wrote about the experience:

So on Saturday night I attended the 2011 ACC Tournament in NC. I watched the Duke vs. Maryland game and the FSU vs VT game. I was like a pebble in a snowstorm! Everyone there was either a Duke fan or a VT fan. I knew what to expect from the Duke fans because they are like the Lakers of the NCAA and the Steelers of the NCAA-NO CLASS! They just are so cocky and want to mock their opponent. They worship Singler and Smith(It was satanic and cult like how they started chanting his name when he got hurt) I just have a very very very strong and passionate dislike for them. 

As for VT I had no problems with them until that game. They were totally rude and obnoxious. Some Duke fans stayed and were being very rude as well. People were saying things like “this is the most boring game ever” and doing the FSU war chant mockingly. If you are bored, LEAVE, it's as simple as that. To make things worse this little kid was screaming DELANEY the whole game in his annoying southern accent. I wanted to yell at him and say “There’s no such thing as SANTA”, but i resisted lol. 

So when Derwin made that last shot I jumped, yelled, and screamed things I shouldn’t have. I got real crunk like somebody just shot me with an adrenaline needle. The section I was in was extra quiet at that time….lol. I should have been really embarrassed when the shot ended up not counting but I wasn’t lol. I had too much energy and rage inside me to care….so the fact that they aren’t in the tournament and FSU is, is icing on the cake :)

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